Respect Excellence

Magill School

Honesty Responsibility



Cricket is a popular sport played during the summer season, during Term 1 and Term 4. Magill cricket teams participate in the Kensington Primary School Cricket Competition. Matches are played against schools in the North Eastern region and the competition is administrated by the SACA. School cricket is played between two teams. One team will elect to bat, the other team fields and bowls. The batting team aims to score as many ‘runs’ as possible by batting in pairs or partnership. The aim of the fielding side is to get the batters ‘out’ by taking ‘wickets’ or restricting the number of runs scored. Once the ‘innings’ is completed the teams switch between batting and bowling. The innings is completed when the batting team is all ‘out’ or all ‘overs’ have been bowled. Parents can help out in the following ways: Coaching / Management / Scoring


White pants or green school shorts and a white polo shirt and a broad brimmed hat (mandatory).Your own protective box is also recommended. Equipment is supplied by the school.

Fees - $120

Master Blaster Cricket - Year 2/3 (open to boys and girls)

Games are one hour in length with basic equipment, skills, rules and a high emphasis placed on fun. Each player gets to bat and bowl and field. Players bat in pairs for 4 overs. Games are played on Saturday mornings at the same venue. Training TBC by coach (generally once a week after school).

Click here for Master Blaster Cricket Rules.

B Grade Cricket - Year 4/5

A two hour game with full equipment but a modified ball and played on a pitch. The emphasis on skill development and participation. Each player bats and bowls the same number of overs and the average score is calculated from total runs achieved divided by total wickets taken. Matches are played at various primary school in the Kensington zone. Matches played on Saturday mornings. Training TBC by coach (generally once a week after school).

Click here for B Grade Cricket Rules.

A Grade Cricket - Year 5/6

Three hour games. Matches are competitive. Batters caught or bowled are out. Batters must retire after scoring 30 runs but may return later in the game. All players (excluding the wicket keeper) must bowl at least 2 overs and a maximum of 4 overs. Matches/games are 25 overs per side and are played at various grounds in the Kensington zone. Played with a 142g cricket ball. Matches are played on Saturday mornings. Training TBC by coach (generally once a week after school).

Click here for A Grade Cricket Rules




To register for the upcoming season, please download the Qkr! App by clicking the picture or link below and add Magill School.  Registrations are paperless.



Rachel Owens at or 8331 9422